Civil Society Solidarity Initiatives Supporting Migrant Refugees

Sanchez_Bajo, Claudia. 2021. “Civil Society Solidarity Initiatives Supporting Migrant Refugees”. In EADI ISS Conference 2021.


This conference paper is an step in the ongoing effort to link theory to real life experience, practice and cases,  providing solutions to the migrant crisis. In theory, Ulrich Beck's world risk society, cosmopolitan solidarity and new reflexivity about late modernity, together with other approaches argued and built by interviewees themselves, provide the basis to focus on real examples of collective action in both developed and developing countries. The goal is to contribute to the theory of agency and of geographies of care, to build the concept of "reflexive agency". Paper presented at the EADI ISS 2021 Conference, Seed Panel 89 "Migrant struggles for social justice".

Last updated on 09/14/2021