Work and cooperatives: A century of ILO interaction with the cooperative movement. Chapter 1 in 'Cooperatives and the World of Work', Edited by Bruno Roelants, Hyungsik Eum, Simel Esim, Sonja Novkovic and Waltteri Katajamäki

Sanchez_Bajo, Claudia. 2019. “Work and Cooperatives: A Century of ILO Interaction With the Cooperative Movement. Chapter 1 in ’Cooperatives and the World of Work’, Edited by Bruno Roelants, Hyungsik Eum, Simel Esim, Sonja Novkovic and Waltteri Katajamäki”. In . UK: Routledge.
See also: Publications


From the book description, that applies to the chapter: "The book is unique in tracing the historical connection between cooperatives and the world of work since the end of the First World War and the recent shifts and restructuring in enterprise and the workplace. It presents a redefinition of the very concept of work, focusing on organizational innovation. This book is published in recognition of 100 years of the International Labour Organization, and gathers together research from leading experts who were brought together at an event co-hosted by the International Co-operative Alliance (ICA) and the International Labour Organization (ILO)."

Last updated on 09/08/2021