Prague First Social Economy Conference Preparatory Dossier, First European Social Economy Conference in Central and Eastern Europe 2002

Roelants, Bruno, and Claudia Sanchez Bajo. 2002. “Prague First Social Economy Conference Preparatory Dossier, First European Social Economy Conference in Central and Eastern Europe 2002”. First European Social Economy Conference in Central and Eastern Europe 2002. Prague, Czech Republic: CECOP.
See also: Publications


PRAHA SOCIAL ECONOMY 2002 ENLARGING THE SOCIAL ECONOMY. Preparatory Dossier, Coordinated by Bruno Roelants, CECOP July 2002.

CONTENTS : 1. Introduction

2. A basic overview of the social economy  by Bruno Roelants and Claudia Sanchez Bajo
2.1. A distinctive form of entrepreneurship
2.2. The function and contributions of the social economy
2.3. Key policy issues
A. Information and meso-level support structures
B. Recognition, institutionalisation and standardisation of the social economy

Last updated on 09/09/2021