Journal 'Review of International Co-operation' on Latin American research on cooperatives

Sanchez_Bajo, Claudia. 2017. “Journal ’Review of International Co-operation’ on Latin American Research on Cooperatives”. Edited by Claudia Sanchez_Bajo, Mirta Vuotto, and Ana Mercedes Sarría Icaza.
See also: Publications


Overview of Latin American research on cooperatives in Latin America has been diverse and fertile in both Spanish and Portuguese languages since the start of the 20th century, but many of these works are not translated into other languages, and people outside the region may not have access to them. This volume 104 is thus dedicated to the work done by Latin American academics and policy makers on the subject, by publishing a peer-reviewed selection of recent academic papers, aiming at promoting inter-continental and inter-cultural dialogues, and a broader understanding of cooperatives world-wide. After a brief explanation about the origin of the initiative and the process of selection of the material, the second sub-section offers an overview of the following chapters, while the third sub-section explores common elements and differences not only among the contributions to this issue but also what may be inferred in relation to other region-wide research on cooperatives. This dialogue is not only desirable for any researcher and reader, but for all those with an interest in cooperative movements, since the cooperativismo, the Spanish word for the movement striving towards cooperative values and principles, has historically evolved through international and continental visits, learning from each other.  The 2017 Review of International Co-operation includes a series of papers from the 2016 Ecuador Conference (Encuentro) of the  Latin American network of researchers on cooperativism were submitted, peer reviewed, selected and published, to communicate the state of the art of Latin American research on cooperatives.
Last updated on 09/13/2021