Glossary of terms on cooperatives and cooperativism 2018. Translation terms in Spanish, English and French with practical examples and sources.

Sanchez_Bajo, Claudia. 2018. “Glossary of Terms on Cooperatives and Cooperativism 2018. Translation Terms in Spanish, English and French With Practical Examples and Sources”. DOCUMENTOS DEL CENTRO DE ESTUDIOS DE SOCIOLOGÍA DEL TRABAJO.
See also: Publications


This glossary of terms in Spanish, English and French has been prepared for the X Meeting of the Latin American Network of Researchers on Cooperatives. It is expected to be expanded at a later date and fills a gap in this type of reference texts for those who must write in several languages.

Este glosario de términos sobre cooperativas castellano inglés francés ha sido
preparado para el X Encuentro de la Red Latinoamericana de Investigadores en
Cooperativismo. Se espera ampliarlo posteriormente y cubre un vacío en este tipo de textos de referencia para quienes deben escribir en varios idiomas.

Last updated on 09/11/2021