Introduction to Cooperative Enterprises

Semester: Summer
Year offered: 2016

Summer 1 2016 - 90525 - PA388L - Advanced Topics in Management. This course is an introduction to cooperative enterprises, their potential and challenges. It aims to build
students’ appreciation of cooperatives as a practical model for both economic and social development. Students become aware of cooperative enterprises and cooperative networks at the national and international levels. This course is open to diverse graduate students who want to strengthen their knowledge of cooperative enterprise models and their potential value for local and community development. The course will deal with governance, accounting,  personnel, and marketing practices and how these can or should be adapted to fit the cooperative enterprise model. A combination of lectures, readings, case studies and discussion will help students develop a thorough understanding of cooperative principles and values as well as the history of co-ops. As much as possible, guest speakers will be invited to class.

See also: Syllabus Courses